lunes, julio 25, 2005

Pero, ¿dónde está la guitarra eléctrica?

En Berlín tuvieron lugar el pasado fin de semana los campeonatos alemanes de AIR GUITAR , que consiste en simular que se toca una guitarra eléctrica al compás de una canción. El jurado lo tuvo dificíl ante los aspirantes a Jimi Hendrix.

lunes, julio 11, 2005


Chelsea Girls

Here's Room 506
It's enough to make you sick
Bridget's all wrapped up in foil
You wonder if she can uncoil.

Here they come now
See them run now
Here they come now
Chelsea Girls

Here's Room 115
Filled with S & M queens
Magic marker row
You wonder just high they go.

Here they come now
See them run now
Here they come now
Chelsea Girls

Here's Pope dear Ondine
Rona's treated him so mean
She wants another scene
She wants to be a human being.

Here they come now
See them run now
Here they come now
Chelsea Girls

Pepper she's having fun
She thinks she's some man's son
Her perfect love's don't last
Her future died in someone's past.

Here they come now
See them run now
Here they come now
Chelsea Girls

Dear Ingrid's found her lick
She's turned another trick
Her treats and times revolve
She's got problems to be solved

Here they come now
See them run now
Here they come now
Chelsea Girls

Poor Mary, she's uptight
She can't turn out her light
She rolled Susan in a ball
And now she can't see her at all

Here they come now
See them run now
Here they come now
Chelsea Girls

Dropout, she's in a fix,
Amphetamine has made her sick
White powder in the air
She's got no bones and can't be scared

Here they come now
See them run now
Here they come now
Chelsea Girls

Here comes Johnny Bore,
He collapsed on the floor
They shot him up with milk
And when he died sold him for silk

Here they come now
See them run now
Here they come now
Chelsea Girls
Here they come now
See them run now
Here they come now
Chelsea Girls

domingo, julio 10, 2005


En 1974 Lloyd Kaufman y Michael Herz crean en Nueva York la productora independiente Troma.
Desde entonces han dirigido, producido y distribuido más de 160 películas de bajo presupuesto que hoy oscila entre el medio millón y los tres millones de dólares.
Reivindicación del mal gusto como estilo, mezcla parasitaria de géneros, reciclaje de lo que Hollywood tira a la basura por pudor o cobardía. Violencia festiva, humor fétido, pura acumulación de excesos directamente inspirados en el estercolero cultural de la sociedad americana.
Películas como "El Vengador Tóxico", "El condón asesino "o "Los surfistas nazis deben morir" son un claro ejemplo de este cine tromático

martes, julio 05, 2005